Chapter 4: Earning Word of Mouth Marketing through Brand Engagement

Marketing Plan Podcast_WEB BANNERWhats the missing ingredient in harmonizing your plan?

Many entrepreneurs search for that one thing that will put everything in balance. We start believing the hype of the marketing specialists: “the missing ingredient in your marketing plan is social media, or search engine optimization. But its not that simple. While there is a missing ingredient, it’s not externally found, but internally.

Let’s take word-of-mouth conversation, for example. The hype would have you believe that in this Age of Conversation, it’s all about social media. But that’s false hype. In  Chapter Four of The Marketing Plan Podcast we discuss how to earn conversation through brand engagement.

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Jay Ehret signatureThanks for listening!
Jay Ehret
Dean of Marketing Know-How
The Marketing Spot

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